Mi casa por los proximos cuatro dias. Me voy por unos dias a tomar Indio, comer cabrito y pasar calores.
Mi hermana se graduara en estos dias... la pobre no sabe la que le espera aca afuera....Oh well, who am I kidding, with her good luck she'll have a job in no time.
Ahi se ven huercos!
May 27, 2004
May 12, 2004
They are back...
Oh yesss.. they are finally here. They have come back for me!!
O.. tal vez puede ser que quieran invadir la Cd. Mexico para destruir Televisa y liberar a todos los Mexicanos de Big AssBrother, churros telenoveleros y darle cran a Lopez Doriga.. yey!!!
May 10, 2004
Quidditch Supplies
Oh yes, my geekness has risen again. I can't wait to see the new Harry Potter movie.
Must confess I had lost a bit of interest lately.. but I saw the preview yesterday and was totally blown away. Main reason being that it's Cuaron's vision of Harry Potter's world... and I just love Cuaron and his green obsesion.
I love that the main characters are all grown up and the rest of the cast for this one is superb. OOHHHH, and the Dementors are just excellent. 25 days.....
May 08, 2004
Let the Circus begin!!
Vaya, vaya, vaya... Esto se pone bueno. La situacion de los iraquis sodomizados esta en boca de todos.. bueno, eso y la sitaucion con Cuba, Ahumada y la Trevi (a verdad? Ya nos olvidamos de ella con tanto alboroto).
Seriously, I think someone should go medieval on MotherfuckingRumsfeld (as Tarantino would say).
"Rumsfeld vowed to stay on the job as long as he could remain effective, but admitted that he had failed to convey the gravity of the abuse at the Abu Ghraib prison near Baghdad to either the president or Congress"
Sooo... does this mean he knew about it but wouldn't have told the president if the information had not slipped??? Mmmmmm....
"If there's a failure, it's me. It's my failure for not understanding and knowing that there were hundreds -- or however many there are of these things -- that could eventually end up in the public and do the damage they've done," Rumsfeld said, talking about photographs of the abuse.
Again, sound to me like he is very sorry we found out about it, but he doesn't seem to be sorry for the suffering and denigration of the prisoners....
Up yours Rumsfeld.
Seriously, I think someone should go medieval on MotherfuckingRumsfeld (as Tarantino would say).
"Rumsfeld vowed to stay on the job as long as he could remain effective, but admitted that he had failed to convey the gravity of the abuse at the Abu Ghraib prison near Baghdad to either the president or Congress"
Sooo... does this mean he knew about it but wouldn't have told the president if the information had not slipped??? Mmmmmm....
"If there's a failure, it's me. It's my failure for not understanding and knowing that there were hundreds -- or however many there are of these things -- that could eventually end up in the public and do the damage they've done," Rumsfeld said, talking about photographs of the abuse.
Again, sound to me like he is very sorry we found out about it, but he doesn't seem to be sorry for the suffering and denigration of the prisoners....
Up yours Rumsfeld.
May 05, 2004
Double Diamond pays Progressive
Que cosas de la vida… no he blogueado nada por puritita hueva. No tengo nada que decir, y si se me ocurre algo es cuando estoy a punto de quedar dormida y que flojera levantarse a escribir.
No se hizo la ida a Coachella , realmente una lastima porque me contaron que estuvo poca madre (as if I didn’t know it was going to be awesome). No me toco ir al desmadre pero bien que me toco el caloron de todos modos. Tuve que ir a Mexicali (los motivos me los guardo porque luego se me queman los tamales) el sabado y me toco el calorcito “primaveral”... no mamen.. si así esta ahorita, no quiero ver como estará en julio o agosto. Neta que no se como aguantan los mexicalenses, must be the beer that runs in their veins.
Estuve a punto de pararme a comprar mi ración de Tejuino, pero la pensé mucho y mejor me quede con mis cuatro litros de agua naturalita para calmar la sed.
En cuanto acabe con mis compromisos en Chicali, corrí hacia la frontera para emprender camino a San Diego y alejarme del 7mo circulo del infierno. Cuando me iba acercando a la garita casi no veía carros, pensé que tal vez habrían cerrado esa garita pero no, pasó que tuve mucha suerte y apenas si había cinco carros haciendo fila para cruzar.. just lovely.
Must admit gambling problem...
Unos minutos antes de pasar por el Golden Acorn Casino (Casino Bellota Dorada pa los paisas) me empezó a entrar la urgencia de ir al ladies room, para variar (creo que a estas alturas ya había tomado 2 litros de agua) así que decidí parar en el casino a hacer lo propio.
I was chanting a mantra: “will not gamble... will resist temptation... will go to bathroom only..” All this while looking straight ahead and trying to ignore the little beeps and enticing sounds of the well oiled slot machina... OH NOOOO!!! MUST GAMBLEEEE!!!
Trate de resistir, quise pasar sin ver pero no pude... Me senté a jugar en las maquinas de wheel of fortuneeeee!!! Al mismo tiempo que yo llegó una negrita simpaticona (me vale, yo les digo negros..fuck politically correct) y le metio 10 dolares a su maquinita. En un dos por tres saco 1000 monedas y yo, perdí todo. BITCH.
So, after my defeat I baught some more liquid nurishment and got back on the road. Pare de nuevo en Viejas, pero esta vez sin pasar al casino... no more of that for me. I got a lovely set of linen pants, at a great price too.
Luego, segui con mi camino hasta llegar a San Diego...and here is where I really invested my hard earned money. I stepped into Borders and lost myself in the giddinness and thrill of reading and listening to funky music for free... Oh yeah.. it doesn’t take much to make Martini happy.
I got another Dan Brown book, Angels and Demons.. and I finally did it.. I got Bridget Jones’s Diary.. AWSOME READ!!!!. Oh! And I got a Cesaria Evora CD.. dude.. it’s beyond cool.
So, nos MIRAMOS después. Dude..... I hate the word miramos, but a true Bajacalifornian uses it like it’s an obligation...
No se hizo la ida a Coachella , realmente una lastima porque me contaron que estuvo poca madre (as if I didn’t know it was going to be awesome). No me toco ir al desmadre pero bien que me toco el caloron de todos modos. Tuve que ir a Mexicali (los motivos me los guardo porque luego se me queman los tamales) el sabado y me toco el calorcito “primaveral”... no mamen.. si así esta ahorita, no quiero ver como estará en julio o agosto. Neta que no se como aguantan los mexicalenses, must be the beer that runs in their veins.
Estuve a punto de pararme a comprar mi ración de Tejuino, pero la pensé mucho y mejor me quede con mis cuatro litros de agua naturalita para calmar la sed.
En cuanto acabe con mis compromisos en Chicali, corrí hacia la frontera para emprender camino a San Diego y alejarme del 7mo circulo del infierno. Cuando me iba acercando a la garita casi no veía carros, pensé que tal vez habrían cerrado esa garita pero no, pasó que tuve mucha suerte y apenas si había cinco carros haciendo fila para cruzar.. just lovely.
Must admit gambling problem...
Unos minutos antes de pasar por el Golden Acorn Casino (Casino Bellota Dorada pa los paisas) me empezó a entrar la urgencia de ir al ladies room, para variar (creo que a estas alturas ya había tomado 2 litros de agua) así que decidí parar en el casino a hacer lo propio.
I was chanting a mantra: “will not gamble... will resist temptation... will go to bathroom only..” All this while looking straight ahead and trying to ignore the little beeps and enticing sounds of the well oiled slot machina... OH NOOOO!!! MUST GAMBLEEEE!!!
Trate de resistir, quise pasar sin ver pero no pude... Me senté a jugar en las maquinas de wheel of fortuneeeee!!! Al mismo tiempo que yo llegó una negrita simpaticona (me vale, yo les digo negros..fuck politically correct) y le metio 10 dolares a su maquinita. En un dos por tres saco 1000 monedas y yo, perdí todo. BITCH.
So, after my defeat I baught some more liquid nurishment and got back on the road. Pare de nuevo en Viejas, pero esta vez sin pasar al casino... no more of that for me. I got a lovely set of linen pants, at a great price too.
Luego, segui con mi camino hasta llegar a San Diego...and here is where I really invested my hard earned money. I stepped into Borders and lost myself in the giddinness and thrill of reading and listening to funky music for free... Oh yeah.. it doesn’t take much to make Martini happy.
I got another Dan Brown book, Angels and Demons.. and I finally did it.. I got Bridget Jones’s Diary.. AWSOME READ!!!!. Oh! And I got a Cesaria Evora CD.. dude.. it’s beyond cool.
So, nos MIRAMOS después. Dude..... I hate the word miramos, but a true Bajacalifornian uses it like it’s an obligation...
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