August 30, 2003

The Shizznit

Ana Guevara is the shizznit!

"Ya esta muy próxima Grecia,
la pista está preparada,
esperando a la reina,
de la próxima Olimpiada."

I knew she could do it, she's a woman, ain't she? Que vivan las mujeres, que vivan las mujeres... a huevo.

***This space dedicated to all the women who kick ass***

Martha Jones, spinster extraordinaire


'nough said about that...

Quisiera aprovechar esta oportunidad para decirle a todo el mundo que me lee(yeah, ok, just Acchhhhllinnn, Pris and AdriaConstanza, ohh! and ocassionally Pablito (I wish))
what was I saying? Oh, yeah...
Pues si, quiero que sepan que tengo un grupo de amigos que quiero mucho, ya que son muy decentes, chidos y muy prudentes.
Ayer tuve a bien acudir a el "open house" de una amiga y su esposo (when, oh when did going to raves become: going to open houses and shit?).
La velada empezó muy bien, con cerveza Pacífico y muy buena plática. De todos los presentes, yo era la única persona sin pareja.
Ahora bien, digo que quiero mucho a mis amigos porque si yo hubiera estado ahí con pareja (all married, by the way) y fuera otra mujer la spinster del grupo... No podría haber resistido la tentación de soltarle los Bridget Jones jokes de rigor. Creanme que "it was in the air", se sentía el deseo de mis cuates por decir algo al respecto, pero se lo callaron. Para todo son muy carrilludos, pero respetaron mi posición y por eso los quiero un chingo.

Just wanted to share... Livin la vida loca.

On the lighter side of things, I will be attenfing yet another bachellorette party tomorrow. Promete, promete ser un buen reventón.
Until the next installment of boring crap...

Me no like

I don not like this new template for posting... or is it just my computer? Really sucks, I can't republish my entire site and the little box where we are supposed to write is too small. What is going on? Help! Anyone???

August 28, 2003

UFO sighting, Laguna Salada, BC México

Yes, the truth is out there...

What the fu** is going on!

Heeelllooooo??? What's going on here?
Wazz up with the new template and shit?

August 27, 2003

Gay High School
Public School to Open in Fall in NYC
The Associated Press

N E W Y O R K, July 28— A small alternative public school program has been expanded into a full-fledged school for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender students.

The Harvey Milk High School, an expansion of a 1984 city program consisting of two small classrooms for gay students, will enroll about 100 students and will open in the fall.

"I think everybody feels that it's a good idea because some of the kids who are gays and lesbians have been constantly harassed and beaten in other schools," Mayor Michael Bloomberg said at a briefing today. "It lets them get an education without having to worry. It solves a discipline problem. And from a pedagogical point of view, this administration — and previous administrations — have thought it was a good idea and we'll continue with that." So, let's have a school for nerds, another one for overweight kids, another one for kids with braces, another one for kids with greasy hair, another one for black kids, one for latin kids, one for skinheads, etc.etc.etc.

The school, at 2 Astor Place in the East Village, is undergoing a $3.2 million renovation approved by the old Board of Education last year.

On its Web site, the Hetrick-Martin Institute describes the Harvey Milk School as "the nation's first accredited public high school designed to meet the needs of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and questioning youth (LGBTQ)." It says the school "offers LGBTQ youth an opportunity to obtain a secondary education in a safe and supportive environment. … We believe that success requires the ability to respect and value the diverse human community." The school is named after San Francisco's first openly gay city supervisor, Harvey Milk, who was assassinated in 1978 along with Mayor George Moscone.

Ok so, they want gay kids to go to school in a safe environment... never mind that when they leave school every day to go back home, there will be people outside who will probably harras them even more. It sounds like a really stupid idea to me. It's as stupid as having all girl's school's or all boys school's. All of us live in a society and we need each other to survive in this world. We can't separate people because of their sexual orientation, in my opinion, it only makes the problem worse than it already is.

August 26, 2003

The Use of Blogs

People actually use their blogs for meaningful and helpful things. I was browsing thru a few of them yesterday and it actually made me feel bad... but just for a while...Who cares? It's a free cyberspace, so I'll keep writting the usual crapola.

The King and the Elf

These two are to die for. Although... I think Orlando looks hotter with his dark brown, short hair... good God, how I want him.

The Chocolate Elite

To anyone who doesn't know me personally, who happens to drop by my blog (be it by accident, intentionally or otherwise) there is a very important characteristic of mine that I would like to share with you... and that, is my deep and profound love for CHOCOLATE

Research tells us that fourteen out of any ten individuals like chocolate. But what is "liking chocolate"? First of all, what is meant by "like"? There are many degrees of like.

Degrees of like

Do you like chocolate?

Respondent A

Respondent B

August 25, 2003

I never knew

If I had known he felt that way, if he had been brave enough to tell me... Well, like a good friend says: Lo que es tuyo, nadie te lo quita.

The Last Wedding

Dude, I've had enough of weddings. My friend Esther's wedding was very nice, I did have fun with old friends and all... but I don't think I can take much more. Everyone is married, I'm officially the old maid, the spinster, the Bridget Jones (Brigida Juárez para la raza) of the group. I must GO AWAY!!! Far away form it all! Far away from future baby showers and kid's birthday parties!! Run Forrest!! RUN!!!

In lighter news, my dog has finally learned to turn left. He's the d-o-g!! The shizznit and shit!! Olafo is KING.

August 21, 2003

Ok, so... I have NO WILL POWER

None, zip, nada, nein.... Here I am, reading my worst foods list, learning about ice cream treats that have over 1000 calories and more than a day's normal dose of saturated fat and I'm supposed to be persuaded to keep away form the offensive eats but... I CAN'T!!!!!
I have a pint of The Original Rocky Road by Dreyer's in front of me... eating with glee while I read the articles that claim ice cream while soon kill me... I'm am hopeless.

Interesting: In 1929, after the stock market crash, William Dreyer calmed his Black Thursday jitters by creating The Original Rocky Road. His creation made people smile and so will you!
Great, at least I'll be smilling when the heart attack hits me.


Cold Stone Creamery (new ice cream company)

"Cold Stone Creamery’s regular Mud Pie Mojo -- a mixture of coffee ice cream, roasted almonds, fudge, Oreos, peanut butter, and whipped topping -- is the equivalent of TWO Pizza Hut Personal Pan Pepperoni Pizzas (1,180 calories and 26 grams of saturated fat). No matter how you slice it, that's downright disgusting. "

Well, if I manage to forget that horrible tid bit of info about the pizza (yuck) I'll probably have a Mud Pie Mojo some day, it sounds lovely.

"Häagen-Dazs’ Mint Chip Dazzler is a portable sundae with three scoops of mint chip ice cream, hot fudge, Oreos, chocolate sprinkles, and whipped cream. Nutritionally, it’s like eating a T-bone steak, Caesar salad, and a baked potato with sour cream (1,270 calories and 38 grams of saturated fat)."

Oh No!! Someone should've told me that last week before I ate that T-Bone, salad and potato.... plus the Mint Chip Dazzler for dessert ! My arteries will oficially be going on strike tomorrow.

A little whale died, and it's our fault

Yes, it is our fault. You might think you have nothing to do with it, that it has nothing to do with YOU, but it does.. and i'll tell you why.

There IS such a thing as the Circle of's not just a little song made up for us to buy cheap Disney merchandise. We are all connected to each other, it doesn't matter if you don't believe it, THAT IS THE TRUTH. Every time you are too lazy to get off your fat ass and throw your trash in it's place and not anywhere you want to, you are ending a life somewhere.
If you know people who are stupid enough to litter all over the place, don't be ashamed to let them now what filthy pigs you think they are. I don't care who it is you see doing that, be it your friend, your boyfriend, your mother, your inlaw, anyone you see being a hog.
A baby whale died because people are fishing where they are not supposed to, because fishnets are left behind or discarded indiscriminately at sea. Animals don't ow us anything, they shouldn't die for our sake. We are killing them, and we can stop killing them. There will be a couple of idiots who will say: But.. emm.. ehhh, the dinosaurs all died, so what if other animals die too.. we don't miss dinosaurs, do we??

If you encounter one of those... KILL IT, we won't miss him/her.
Dinos are extinct because of natural selection... animals today die because we kill them.

Please, be aware of life around you. Shallow people are all around us!!, you know who I'm talking about... people with small brains who can only think of themselves? I'm sure you know many.


August 18, 2003

In San Diego

Adria Maria just left... sad. I took her to the Airport this morning, and it was a sad event indeed. But, I got to see Pirates of the Caribbean for the third time last night, she hadn't seen it so I gladly went with her.. I LOVE ORLANDO BLOOM.

August 15, 2003

Oh Joy, Oh Joy!!!

Adria Constanza du Brasil y el Sol Azteca is coming to town!! I am VERKLEMPT!!!

August 14, 2003

Birthday Celebration

A year older, a year wiser, a year of no sex. Exactly a year, last August 11th. SAD, very SAD. When there is no sex in one's life, there is time to read, learn, do constructive things, help out in your community and lot's of other things... but, lack of sex leaves us with no real motivation to do any of those things. Let us hope the situation improves soon.

So, anyway... Verbena Popular and the Paella Competition rocked!! I celebrated my birthday all weekend and on the actual date I had a little familiy reunion with lot's of Pacifico and chocolate cake involved. I got a Lolita Lempicka Perfume, lovely. ofcourse the only present I really need now is a JOB!!!

Happy Birthday to me!!! Keep the birthday's comin' I ain't afraid!!! I'm like wine, the older it is, the better it gets.


Sea World Field Trip

It was a lovely, sunny day in Sea World, San Diego. Every single show we went to was awsome, specially the one with the Killer Whales.. they are GREAT.

Highlights of the day
*When a little 5 year old girl was asked to help out in the dolphin show, she was allowed to touch one of them. After she touched it, the trainer asked her what it felt like, the little girl said: a Hot dog

*In another show, an adult was asked to participate in a little game with a whale and when he was taken to the rim of the tank, the whale splashed him. The volunteer laughed (and enjoyed it, as it was a very hot day) and the trainer said loud and clear, for everyone to hear.. (it was a PG show, but she apparently forgot that): Good sir! Now your just like me, nice and wet!

*There's a relatively new attraction, rapids... very nice, BUT VERY WET. Seriously, when you think it's almost over, SPLAT!!! COLD, COLD water from nowhere!!!

*We found out that dolphins are attracted to vibrant colors,As my mother was wearing a rainbow colored shirt,
when we visited the Dolphin Tank. All the dolphins where just swimming around, doing their best to ignore stupid turists taping the tank glass and making stupid signs to try and lure them without result...when suddenly my mom arrived. She was just standing there, observing them when two of them came up to the rim and I swear! SMILED at her!! When she moved, they followed her. We loved it!

The day ended with the usual fireworks and a big ice cream sundae, till next time.


August 06, 2003

For Adria Maria del Señor


Monte Xa*hic*nic

Este año estuvo con madres... anything that has nice red wine in the deal is always good....

Tocaron música muy linda, todo con un aire muy mestizo... very nice.. indeed.
La última pieza fue Huapango, de Moncayo. Ya de por sí es una de mis favoritas, pero a eso agrégale el Calixa, los quesitos, la paella, las uvas, la plática amena, los amigos, la familia, la vista del Valle en el atardecer... no tiene igual.. Picture it: The valley, some wine, bred and good cheese... I could just see myself on top of the little mountain, under the stars... having wild, hot, world changing sex....

Obviamente el público quedó fascinado y queríamos más, por lo que tocaron varias piezas más antes de despedirse.. and then we had more, and more and more wine... very nice evening.

What is going on? I can't change anything in my little blog space...arrgghhhh

So, my sucky internet provider is worthless. Why don't you swith to another internet provider? you may ask... Well, there is NO other in this place!!!! I HATE IT!!!!!!!!

But, unto happier things...

Me la he pasado perdida en el alcohol, o más bien, en el vinito. Hemos empezado con las fiestas con el pie derecho, i’eñor!. El sábado pasado me lancé a el evento “Recuerdos de Rusia”, respondiendo a la amable invitación de Olivia Bibayoff (compita mía desde la primaria). El evento se realiza en el rancho de la familia de Olivia en pleno Valle de Guadalupe, en el área donde se asentaron las familias rusas que llegaron a Baja California hace ya muchos años.

Llegando al rancho te reciben con una copa muy linda, en la cual está grabado el logo de la vinícola anfitriona, así como el logo de la vendimia 2003. Debes guardar tu copa, ya que no las venden y si la pierdes, te friegas (además de que en ella te están sirviendo todo el día, so you guard it with your LIFE). Luego, te llevan a tu mesa, en donde puedes encontrar un queso d-e-l-i-c-i-o-s-o, uvas negras y verdes, ensalada de betabel y más vino. Al cabo de un rato empiezan los bailables rusos y algunos cantantes (tipo Violinista en el Tejado, para que te des una idea). Ahí tienes a los músicos dándole con todo a la Balalika.
Después hacen un intermedio para que se sirva la comida, que en esta ocasión fue ensalada rusa (de papa, muy rica) y unas tipo tortas de pastrami muy buenas también.. y por supuesto, más vino.
Ya que todo el mundo esta servido, empiezan otra vez con el show y hay más baile, más música, mas canto.. muy padre. Este año, cuando pidieron la tradicional “otra” el tenor cantó.. ready for this???..... “If I where a rich man”!! O sea, Marthita parada cantando a coro con el señor. Dasvedanya!!

August 05, 2003


I can't read my email accounts, I can't log on to MSN or Yahoo. The worst thing is that I CAN log on to messenger, so I'm able to see I have two unread emails but I cannot read them... OH, THE ANTICIPATION IS KILLING ME!!!!!!. If they turn out to be stupid chain letters I will kill the sender. Be warned...

Fiestas de la Vendimia

All I have to say is this: Salud *hic*!! Wine, the best afrodisiac.