September 22, 2003

Chargers Suck... con todo respeto.

Yesterday was a good day.

I went to my first NFL game ever. I had been to Football games before, but just College games, nothing like what I saw yesterday.
My Dad got the tickets from a friend of his and even though we had an idea that the tickets where in a good spot, we had no idea how awsome it would be!! We where in a suite!!
I've been to Baseball games at Qualcomm before, always in the lower level seats and I've had a very good time always... but I can tell you that a suite is THE best way to watch a game.
When my Dad opened the door to the suite I thought he had made a mistake, but as soon as we stepped in we saw his friend with his family drinking beer and waiting for the game to start.
Th suites are spacious rooms with their own private bathroom, a couch, a couple a bar stools, refrigerator (with beer and sodas), hot dogs with all the fixins, tortilla chips and salsa (it was Día de la Hispanidad or something like that) a television (just in case you want to watch the game from the inside of the room) and a private balcony to watch the game from.
Our suite was in the yellow area, it was Suite #1:

Our view:

Ofcourse, it would have been even better if the Chargers hadn't sucked so much. It was really depressing... honestly. It was licke watching a rookie game, most of the players seemed to have no idea of what they where doing, with the honorable exception of Mr. 21. It was as if the players had rubbed lubricant in their hands, the ball just kept sliding of their grasp.. It was a sorry sight indeed.
But anyway... I'm a 49er fan (practically since my diaper ages), so who cares. I had my yummy hot dog, drank beer, screamed at the pathetic plays and got to see the envious looks of the ordinary people seating on the ordinary seats... It was a good day.

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