May 08, 2004

Let the Circus begin!!

Vaya, vaya, vaya... Esto se pone bueno. La situacion de los iraquis sodomizados esta en boca de todos.. bueno, eso y la sitaucion con Cuba, Ahumada y la Trevi (a verdad? Ya nos olvidamos de ella con tanto alboroto).
Seriously, I think someone should go medieval on MotherfuckingRumsfeld (as Tarantino would say).

"Rumsfeld vowed to stay on the job as long as he could remain effective, but admitted that he had failed to convey the gravity of the abuse at the Abu Ghraib prison near Baghdad to either the president or Congress"
Sooo... does this mean he knew about it but wouldn't have told the president if the information had not slipped??? Mmmmmm....

"If there's a failure, it's me. It's my failure for not understanding and knowing that there were hundreds -- or however many there are of these things -- that could eventually end up in the public and do the damage they've done," Rumsfeld said, talking about photographs of the abuse.

Again, sound to me like he is very sorry we found out about it, but he doesn't seem to be sorry for the suffering and denigration of the prisoners....

Up yours Rumsfeld.

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