September 12, 2003


A reporter asked Bush what was going thru his mind when he first heard of the terrorist attack on the WTC in New York and he said: The world has changed. We are at war.

O.k... so, in his mind the world changed when that sad event took place, because surely when the almighty USofA is attacked, it's a world event... ALL THE WORLD, to gringos their country has always been THE WORLD. They never cared to look beyond their borders...what am I saying, they didn't even look beyond their citys or their little towns.
Teenage kids in the US had huuuugggeeeee problems like, having money to buy the latest outfits, having sex, becoming famous moviestars/sportstars/singers, etc., being cool and hip. Oh yes, they had hard lives.
You would think a horrible attack like the one they witnessed two years ago would have REALLY changed their world. But alas!! It is the same, if not worse. More stupid reality shows to numb their minds, more stupid people wanting to be famous and rich, to be somebody.. apparently you are a nobody if you're not famous.

The world didn't change when the US was attacked, the world has been changing constantly, every day, every minute... even if people don't notice it. What about all the people in other countries that live in fear of attacks, that have always lived with the threat of death and hunger?. What about the countries that have been attacked by the US? Don't you think their world has changed a long time before Bush noticed it? The world has changed for many countries and many humans long since the attack in the US.

On september 11th 2001 I was woken up by my mother with the horrible news of the attack. I couldn't believe it, I had been up in those towers less than a year before it happened. It was wonderful, you could see all of Manhattan and it gave you a feeling of flying or floating in the clouds. I remember seeing hundreds of people coming and going, and I thought how wonderful it would be to work in such a place. Everyone seemed so busy, so full of life and energy. I imagined myself going up the elevator to one of the offices full of people from all over the world, all together working, laughing, making new friends, closing deals, drinking coffe and talking about the kids, know what I mean?
I remembered these thoughts and feelings the day of the attack. It made me feel so sad and I felt fear I hadn't known before. I knew the US would retaliate, I knew thousands more where going to die because of the attacks. Thousands more that, like all the people in the WTC, where INNOCENT. Is it worth killing thousands of people if you know one of them is the guilty one?? Is it worth killing innocent lives just so the world can see you are a tough guy, so they can see you will act like Bruce Willis in any one of his stupid action movies?.

The US is no white lamb, there are many out there who hate them, with good reasons too. Anyone would hate the murderer of their sons and daughters, wouldn't they? So, do not judge what you do not know. Don't stand in judgement of Muslims, or anyother race that dares stand up to their rights. In the end, it's all about the oil/money, and ofcourse.. it's all about the POWER.

May God bless us, and I mean ALL of us, ALL HUMAN BEINGS, regardless of country of origin.

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