November 30, 2003

This one is for you...

When HIV/AIDS kills someone new every 15 seconds, it is painfully clear this disease is not just another health issue,
AIDS goes to the very heart of economic and human development, and demands that the entire world mobilize to throw back the spread of AIDS, and treat the sick and care for the dying with fairness and dignity. The latest figures from UNAIDS show AIDS is no longer an issue that can be labeled mainly an African problem. AIDS is continuing its relentless march across countries and continents, truly becoming a globalized disease, with the fastest-growing epidemic spreading in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. China, India and Indonesia are not far behind, threatening an AIDS explosion that could far outstrip current numbers.
On AIDS, it is abundantly clear that either we act now or we pay later. Africa has learned its lesson the hard way, and denial and ignorance cannot reverse this epidemic. But it is a lesson that the countries of Asia and Eastern
Europe have got to take to heart now.

Nothing spreads HIV faster than silence.

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